Upcycling; Why You Should Join the Trend that Keeps on Giving

The idea of upcycling is to take an item that you no longer want, use, or even that’s broken and transform it into something new, restoring it’s once lost value. Over the last six years upcycling has become a rising trend in the fashion scene. From DIY projects to large corporations upcycling discarded products, all it really takes is a few items to be used as raw materials, some tools and a little imagination to start a project!

 Why upcycle?

Here at Ketzali, we’re advocates for upcycling; the artistic vision, the creative freedom, the positive environmental impact and the immediate monetary gain? Where do we sign up?

Okay, so you may not see a literal financial return per say, but upcylcing will allow more money to stay in your pocket. If you’re in need of a new headband, just take those shirts you were going to throw away and braid the fabric together, viola! All the money you aren’t spending at retail stores is building up in your savings account, and we certainly like the sound of that.

Protecting the environment is one of Ketzali’s core missions, which is why we operate as a sustainable, eco-friendly company. We believe in upcycling, or creative recycling if you will, because of the role it plays in helping the environment. By taking Items that would normally have been discarded and giving them a second life, we are actually lessening the amount of waste we produce and send to our landfills.

You know those pesky little gasses that get trapped in the atmosphere and contribute to global warming? Well, upcycling can actually lessen the emission of green house gases; if people are repurposing old items, there is less need to produce new ones.

If you’re in need of a new bracelet or want to reupholster your dining room chairs, what need may be right in front of you! So, grab some scissors, thread, and some close to being thrown away items around the house and get to work upcycling!

 Have an awesome upcycling project you want to share with us? Tweet us @loveketzali, #ketzaliaccessories on Instagram, and don't forget to like us on Facebook!


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